The following are the most frequently asked questions about Head & Shoulders.
Q. How do I know which shampoo I need to treat my dandruff condition?
A. Visit the Product Information page to see which product is best for prevention, maintenance or clinical use.
Q. Why do I have to use the Head & Shoulders conditioner, and not another one?
A. It’s best to choose an anti-dandruff conditioner over a cosmetic one as they can wash away the dandruff-fighting ingredients from an anti-dandruff shampoo and reduce its effectiveness at fighting flakes. Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff conditioners are developed to work hand-in-hand with our anti-dandruff shampoos. They condition hair to keep it feeling soft and healthy, while locking in the dandruff-fighting power of the shampoo.
Q. How often during the week do I have to use Head & Shoulders shampoos?
A. For best results, hair should be washed every day with Head & Shoulders. Our studies have shown that people with moderate to severe dandruff can be flake-free by using Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo exclusively, 3 times a week. It needs to be exclusive too. If you’re switching between an anti-dandruff shampoo and an ordinary cosmetic shampoo, or even using a cosmetic conditioner, it won’t be as effective. That’s because other shampoos and conditioners can remove the anti-dandruff actives left on your scalp, reducing their effectiveness. So keep using our anti-dandruff shampoo. Use at least 3 times a week and even use it every day to keep dandruff away and your hair looking great.
Q. How often, and how long should Clinical Strength be used?
A. For best results, use at least twice a week or as directed by a doctor. For maximum dandruff control, use every time you shampoo.
Q. Will Head & Shoulders shampoo damage hair, dry it out, change the colour or harm a perm?
A. Head & Shoulder’s Classic Clean has a pH-balanced formula for everyday shampoo use. All our anti-dandruff shampoos have been designed to be gentle enough for everyday use. Head & Shoulders infuses every shampoo with essential beauty shampoo elements, like rich moisturizers and fantastic fragrances. Our products are always tough on dandruff, but gentle on hair.
Q. Why is Head & Shoulders 1% prythione zinc shampoo more effective than other shampoos on the market with the same 1% prythione zinc active ingredient?
A. The ZPT in Head & Shoulders is designed to have improved potency, shield the scalp and maintain performance between washes. POTENTIATED POWER - Potentiated micro-zinc formula ensures ZPT is in its most powerful dandruff-fighting form. ZPT PARTICLE SIZE AND MORPHOLOGY - Maximizes coverage, retention and delivery. TARGETING HIDDEN DANDRUFF SOURCES - Small particle size combined with optimized ZPT ensures our formula targets dandruff where it hides.
Q. Is the 2-in-1 Head & Shoulders shampoo less effective than using a Head & Shoulders shampoo and conditioner separately?
A. If you are just using a shampoo and prefer a 2-in-1, then you are all set. If you prefer to use a separate conditioner, it’s best to choose an anti-dandruff conditioner over a cosmetic one as they can wash away the dandruff-fighting ingredients from an anti-dandruff shampoo and reduce its effectiveness at fighting flakes. Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff conditioners are developed to work hand-in-hand with our anti-dandruff shampoos. They condition hair to keep it feeling soft and healthy, while locking in the dandruff-fighting power of the shampoo.
Q. When using Head & Shoulders shampoos, do I have to wait a few minutes for shampoo to act on my scalp?
A. No; the shampoo works with water and your normal washing and rinsing routine to not only effectively remove flakes but also deposit the scalp care active without any required waiting time in the shower.
Q. Can using Head & Shoulders on a healthy scalp disturb the natural bacteria and cause fungi development?
A. No. Studies show that Head & Shoulders effectively delivers the ZPT active to both the surface of the scalp, including the follicular infundibulum. This slows the growth of its fungal cause even in difficult -toaccess areas of the scalp skin, and can prevent fungi growth on healthy scalps.
Q. Can I apply Head & Shoulders conditioners directly on my scalp as it contains 0.5% ZPT?
A. Yes. Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff conditioners are developed to work hand-in-hand with our antidandruff shampoos. They condition hair to keep it feeling soft and healthy, while locking in the dandrufffighting power of the shampoo.